EU Wine Labeling Changes: Are Your Wines Affected?

Corbelli Oreste
Corbelli Oreste
July 19, 2024
8 min read
Last Update
EU Wine Labeling Changes button

The upcoming harvest 2024 introduces significant changes for wine producers with new EU labeling regulations. This new law mandates specific labeling and production requirements that aim to enhance transparency and consumer information. Understanding these regulations is essential for wineries to ensure their products are compliant.

Implementation Timeline and Affected Products

The new regulations will be implemented gradually, with specific deadlines for compliance. Here's how to determine when your wines need to comply:

  1. Wines Produced Before December 8, 2023:
    • These wines can continue to be sold with their existing labels until the stock is depleted.
  2. Definition of "Produced" Wines:
    • Still Wines: A wine is considered produced when it meets legal requirements such as the prescribed alcohol content and acidity and is recorded in the telematic wine register.
    • Sparkling Wines: These are considered produced once the second fermentation is complete, and they have achieved the specific alcohol content and overpressure conditions required.
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New Labeling Requirements

For wines not meeting the above criteria by December 8, 2023, compliance with the new regulations includes:

1. Ingredient List

Post-December 8, 2023, wines must include a comprehensive list of ingredients on their labels. The EU Regulation 2019/33 mandates that any allergens or their derivatives must be explicitly stated. The ingredient list should be preceded by the term "Ingredienti" (Ingredients), even if a QR code is used, as the ISO 2760 "i" symbol alone is deemed insufficient.

Ingredients must be listed in descending order by weight. Ingredients that disappear during wine processing should not be listed. Under Article 48 bis of the EU Regulation 2019/33, it is permissible to simply list "UVE" (grapes). Enrichment products and sucrose are considered ingredients, while yeasts are classified as technological aids and should not be listed unless they cause allergies or intolerances.

2. Nutritional Information

Nutritional information must also be provided, including energy value in kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (Kcal) per 100 ml. This information must be present on the physical label and expressed with the symbol "E". When provided electronically, the nutritional information should be in a tabular format and include the following details in order: energy, fats (including saturated fats), carbohydrates (including sugars), proteins, and salt.

All information must be displayed within the same visual field on the label, ensuring consumers do not have to turn the bottle to find this information.

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